Racist Jokes - Black Jokes

These jokes scream 'Politically Incorrect' but no collection would be complete without nigger, coon, nigga, niggah and other versions of N-Word jokes. Very offensive. Racist jokes and one-liners.

Piano Uncle

My uncle was a racist piano player, all his work sounded awful because he skipped all the black keys.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Thumb's Up

Q: What do you call a black hitchhiker?
A: Stranded.

Categories: Racist Jokes (Black Jokes)
Submitted BY: nspringxc

Mario Mix

Q: How can you tell Mario is racist?
A: He's an Italian plumber, made by Japanese people, who speaks English, looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and grabs coins like a Jew!

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.