Sex Jokes - Gay Jokes

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Tampon for Lesbian

Q: What does a lesbian think the string on the end of a tampon is for?
A: For flossing after eating.

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Generous Offering

So, a gay man goes to church one Sunday. As the offering basket is passed, he drops in a big wad of bills. When the basket gets back to the minister, he notices the wad of money and announces: "Someone here was very generous in the offering today. I would like to ask the person who gave this large amount of money to please stand." The gay man stood up. The minister continued, "Well, sir, we certainly do appreciate your generosity. And to show our appreciation, I'm going to let you select your three favorite hymns." "Okay," the gay man replied, "I'll take him, him and him!"


Lesbian Twins

Q: What do you call lesbian twins?
A: Lick-a-likes.

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